To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect and vulnerable. We have to believe that we are fundamentally worthy of love and acceptance, just as we are. I've learned that there is no better way to invite more grace, gratitude and joy into our lives than by mindfully practicing authenticity—Brené Brown
Helping Women and Young Adults push through their Self-Limiting Beliefs to become Powerful and Unstoppable.
❓Do the negative, self-limiting beliefs you have about yourself stop you achieving what it is you truly desire in life?
❓Are you feeling lost, with no true direction in your life (work-personal life balance) and feeling despondent?
❓Does every day feel like any other - a non-ending hamster wheel, living out other’s expectations and felling constrained and lacking courage?
The Authentic U programme moves you from a self-limiting to a self-belief perspective that anything you truly desire is within your reach – better relationships, freedom, success and feeling connected to all around you. We breakthrough the unconscious chains that hold you back to self-empowerment where you design the future you desire, on your own terms. It takes courage but I facilitate that journey for you as I come from a place of understanding and empathy, having been there but now living my most authentic life.
My coaching assists you to remind yourself of your most authentic self, what keeps you stuck, to being accountable for all the negative stories you still tell yourself, and ultimately breaking through to finding purpose and joy again.
To book the program, click on the image on the right.
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